Wednesday, July 8, 2015

8 Odd Things Green Activists Do at Home for the Planet

Here are a few slightly odd but great ways to be more sustainable at home.
 I recommend giving them a go, if you're feeling ambitious!

1) Recycling bin in the bathroom
The best way to keep things from ending up in landfills is to recycle.
A little bin beside the garbage can makes it easy for collecting those empty toilet paper rolls and lotion bottles. We recently started doing this one at our house and it's meant changing the garbage a lot less often!

2) Skipping flushes between toilet trips
Water is one of our most precious resources (if not the most important) on the planet and once it's gone, it's gone! The best way to make sure there's enough water on the planet for everyone, and for years to come is to preserve and conserve it. This one works best if you live on your own, or if your partner/roommate is okay with it. Skipping a flush here and there can save gallons of precious water.

3) Saving dish water (and rain water) to water the plants
This is a fairly easy one. Do your dishes in a bin in the sink and then transport the water to your house plants or garden. I recommend using an eco-friendly biodegradable dish soap if you can so you can keep nasty chemicals off your fruits and veggies. Saving rain water in barrels is also a great way to conserve fresh water. Grey water is good water!

4) Using one cup a day for beverages 
(rinse in between optional!)
My mom will thank me for this one. Instead of getting a new glass or mug every time you get a drink of water or make some coffee, why not stick to one glass/mug and save yourself the time, a load of dishes, and water. 

5) Washing your clothes (and towels) less
Unless you're sweating profusely or rolling around in mud, there's really no need to wash clothes as frequently as the average person does. As my wise professor Pamela always says "You sit on a clean seat in the car, or a fairly clean seat on the bus or at school - there's no real reason other than that we're obsessed with being clean - to wash your clothes every time you wear them". How I miss her lectures. On that note as well, I could never understand the whole getting a clean towel every time you have a shower. Realistically, you're drying off your freshly cleaned body so it doesn't really get dirty! (#firstworldproblems, I guess).

6) Unplugging anything in the house that isn't currently being used
Believe it or not, even if something is powered off but still plugged in, it sucks up little bits of energy. Sometimes you hear this called phantom energy. Serious green activists tend to only keep things plugged in when they're being used. From the phone charger, to the toaster, to the t.v. set.
Although why not get rid of the t.v. completely. I dare you!

7) Always carrying a reusable bag
You will almost never catch me without a portable reusable bag and when we go grocery shopping, I always try to bring plenty with me. You never know when you'll be out and need to grab a few things, or the strap on your purse will break and you'll be glad you have a spare bag on you. 

8) Being partially dressed is not out of the ordinary
Again, this works best if you live alone or if your partner/roommate doesn't mind. The less clothing you wear, the less we're consuming (which is a great thing) and the less clothing you wear, the less laundry you'll do (which is an even better thing!). If you're not comfortable lounging around in your skivvies though,
you can always opt for at home clothes, aka pajamas.

Do you have any odd practices that you do at home to conserve? I'd love to hear them!
Comment below :)
