Tuesday, December 20, 2016

3 Things I Learned in 2016

Photo from Unsplash.com

They say that the older you get, the faster time goes by. If this is the case, then I feel like I'm 103 because it feels like yesterday it was summer when actually it's winter and it's almost 2017. What sorcery is this!?

Anyways, this time of year always makes me both excited and anxious because it'll be a new year, and - it'll be a new year. There will be new opportunities, new challenges, and a fresh start. Everyone wants to start the new year off on the right foot, but part of growth is learning from past mistakes. 

This includes the mistakes you made in 2016. For some of you, this may have been colouring your hair "silver", getting back with an ex who wasn't good for you, or saying something mean when you shouldn't have. 

This week, I'd like to share some of my worst mistakes  best lessons learned over the past year. 

1) You don't have to settle. 

This year some of my biggest struggles revolved around a toxic ex-roommate and feeling undervalued at my workplace. These are common struggles around the world and situations that I've dealt with in the past, but this year the outcome was different: I learned that I didn't have to settle and I decided not to. 

To clarify, compromising is necessary in life, but settling is a choice. This year I decided to choose happiness and put myself first, instead of settling with situations and people that left me miserable or feeling less than I deserve. 

This included saying goodbye to a childhood friend - the same friend that became my roommate from hell over 2 years due to her unresolved mental health issues. I also said goodbye to a city and job because I no longer felt like I was a valued employee. Neither of these decisions were easy to make as they affected me mentally, physically and financially, but they were decisions which had to be made if I was going to do what was best for me. 

While I don't have everything worked out yet, I know I made the right decisions for both situations because I felt relieved immediately after I made the choice not to settle. There's always a choice!

2) It's okay to move on.

If you followed my blog about a year ago, then you'll already know that I had been going through a difficult breakup some time ago (catch up here!). It's a breakup that haunted me for the past 2 years - not because it was a long relationship but because it was the first relationship where I really, truly loved someone and opened up to them. 

This relationship ended almost 2 years ago, but I was still holding onto it. It's not that I wasn't trying - I was seeing other people and open to someone new, but no one as good or real (for me) came along. That is until I met my current boyfriend. 

I knew he adored me long before we even started dating, and I knew he was great and we had a lot in common - but I wasn't going to allow myself to jump into anything I wasn't sure about. So we started hanging out in May and after 3 months of friendship, I really started seeing things in him that I hadn't had in any previous relationship; I started comparing my ex to him, instead of him to my ex. I realized that this was someone really special - someone that was never going to intentionally hurt me and was always going to put me first. 

So before we headed out on our first vacation together, I wrote my ex-boyfriend a letter. It was handwritten and sent via snail mail - after asking his mom for his address because he had blocked me on everything else. 

In the letter, I apologized for the mistakes I made while we were together and let him know that I forgave him for his mistakes. I let him know that while things ended badly, I wasn't angry anymore and wished him the best. 

This was me letting him go. I was after 2 difficult years, finally able to set myself free from the pain of losing us. I learned that it was okay to love my ex without it holding me back from new love. I learned that it was okay to move on.

3) Sometimes you need to be aggressive.

In the past, I've had a habit of letting certain situations or negative treatment from people slide because it was easier than confrontation (does anybody actually like confrontation??) However most often than not, I've kicked myself after a bad situation for the things I should have said or did. I regret not taking a bigger stand when it mattered or for standing up for myself when I felt disrespected.

I've learned that sometimes you need to be aggressive. I'm not talking about getting up in someone's face for no reason, or throwing punches - I'm talking about thoughtfully and respectfully telling someone off when need be, or standing up for what's right. Words are powerful tools which can be used to debate, persuade and discuss. They can be used to defend yourself or create change for a bad situation. 

This past year, I've been working on speaking out more. I reported a professor who was cutting classes, being disrespectful to students and not taking our education seriously - she ended up being replaced for the semester because multiple students spoke up. When more people stand up for what's right, society progresses. 

Another example was when I asked a previous employer for a raise. In previous part-time jobs, I accepted the minimum wage I was offered with no fuss because I was young and unsure of myself and the job system. I felt that minimum wage was acceptable for someone of my experience/education etc. 

This year however after graduating with my second diploma, and with several years of experience under my belt, I was no longer going to accept an intern's wages. So I decided to speak up and brought the issue up with my employer. 

The outcome was that I was offered a raise, but in the end it wasn't significant enough to be worth my time and effort (or anywhere near the cost of living in Toronto) so I left the job. While I didn't get the outcome I necessarily wanted, I did learn that I can create change when I speak up. I learned that sometimes you need to be aggressive and ready to fight for what you really want. 

Photo by Chris Amorim.
To sum it up, 2016 was a good year with some valuable lessons learned. I've learned the value of speaking up and have grown into a person that's allowing myself to move on when things don't go as planned, and only pursuing things in life that make me truly happy. I'll be taking these lessons into the future where I know my future self will benefit from these experiences and wisdom as I continue on my journey of personal growth - I hope you will too!

I'll be on holiday next week but will be back with new blog posts in the new year. In the meantime, I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season. Cheers!


"The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself."
                                                                                                     - C. Joybell C.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Button Up Your Overcoat with Zelma and Jack

In an effort to escape the well-played Mariah Carey and Michael Buble this holiday season, I found some great playlists on Youtube with Christmas tunes from the 1900s-1950s (just search vintage Christmas music!)
 The one song in particular "Button Up Your Overcoat" with Jack and Zelma stole my heart.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

5 Things to be Thankful for Right Now

Photo from Unsplash.com

I'll admit it - I'm a little bit addicted to Instagram. I probably check my notifications 30 times a day, and spend at least an hour a day checking out other people's photographs (note to self, spend less time on social media.)

Social media, and Instagram in particular to me is a place for inspiration and art - however it's also a place where the green monster of envy can settle in. It's especially hard this time of year when everyone's posting pictures of their lovely homes and Christmas trees, their exciting holiday vacations, fabulous presents, or beautiful weddings.

I know you've likely heard the phrase "comparison is the thief of joy" and it's absolutely true. I used to get jealous and upset sometimes over the awesome things people were doing/getting, however I've gotten a lot better changing my perspective to something more positive.

Let's be honest - someone will always be doing something more exciting or interesting than you are - but life isn't a contest, and that doesn't mean you can't be happy. Happiness starts with a grateful heart.

If you take more time to be grateful for the things you have in life instead of wishing for things you don't have, you'll be a much happier individual. After all, many of the things you do have, someone else wishes they had. It's all about your perspective. 

This holiday season, don't forget to take some time to appreciate the gifts you've already been given such as...

1) Your health

Whether you're in perfect health right now or not, take a moment to be grateful for the health you do have. Our bodies are truly amazing machines which allow us to walk, dance, speak, move, experience and so many other things.

It's easy to take our health for granted unless it's threatened by illness, accident or old age - all of which, we can't predict. If you're reading this, then you're already better off than some other less fortunate people in the world.

2) Your senses

Sometimes when I see something really beautiful, I take a moment to stop and try to memorize the moment - the colours that I see, the scent in the air, the sounds I hear etc. I try to memorize the shapes of the scene, the lines in front of me, and any details that I usually tend to overlook. I know I may not always be blessed with my sight (or hearing etc.) so I try to capture a few vivid memories in my mind.

By doing this, I not only have some beautiful memories, but I'm also reminded of the joy and beauty my senses add to each experience. It also helps me be more present in the moment which makes me feel more grounded and content in life.

3) Your belongings

During my early childhood, I was what many considered to be an "underprivileged child". We didn't have a lot of money, and the money we did have was often spent in unhealthy ways due to a lack of proper parenting (an entirely different story).

Because of this more troubled beginning, I had a hard time sharing my things with other children as I got older. The feeling of scarcity made me into a somewhat selfish child out of fear of not having enough. My toys, my bed, my food were mine and I would rudely say no or put up a fight whenever someone asked to borrow something from me.

Now that I'm older and wiser, I can understand how this childhood fear affected my life and relationships. I've learned not only to share better, but how to appreciate the things I do own. Each piece of clothing, furniture, book etc. that I've collected is a blessing which can add comfort and joy to my life.

Since I've been fortunate enough to have these belongings, I think it's important to share them when I can and try to bring joy and comfort to someone else. As Anne Frank would say, no one ever became poor by giving!

4) Your privileges 

I understand that many privileges are still sadly based on race, gender, sexual preferences, etc. It'll be a long, long time before all of society believes we're equal regardless of these things. Regardless, we're still blessed with many privileges worth being grateful for. Things like water, food, and electricity aren't rights - they're privileges for those who can afford them and have access to them.

My boyfriend and I have had many conversations about how absurd it is that we need to pay for things that we need to survive such as clean water, heat in the winter, and food. We discuss how feminine products, birth control, and basic medicine isn't available to everyone but are necessary for good health and the good of the world.

Most often these discussions leave us frustrated with society and trying to find ways that we can do better and create change. Since we are blessed with so many privileges, it's our duty as decent human beings to try to improve the lives of others, too.

5) Your life

Life isn't perfect - we all know that, but simply being alive is the greatest gift we could have. With life we're given the opportunity to learn, to experience, to grow, and to love. The opportunities and experiences we could have are countless and each choice we make can lead to a new us and a new life. Life can change in an instant - for good or bad, so it's important to enjoy what we have while we have it.

Likewise, mistakes and hard times are a part of being human and part of what makes us truly appreciate the time we're given on earth. Take a moment and be grateful for the years you've so far been given, the hard times you've overcome, and think about the possibilities of tomorrow.

It's easy to take the blessings in our lives for granted, especially during the holiday season. Instead of wishing for this or that, try and practice contentment and joy with the gifts you've already received. 

I am grateful for my health and my ability to experience joy with my senses.
I am thankful for clean water, fuel for my body, and a warm place to sleep tonight.
I appreciate my opportunity to live and experience life.
I will make an effort to be more generous and help others find comfort and joy.
I welcome abundance and happiness into my life, and I am grateful for all of my blessings.



Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Best Gift to Give Yourself This Season

Photo from Unsplash.com

With American Thanksgiving over and the rush of Black Friday finished, people all around the world are gearing up for the busiest month of the year. There are people to see, events to plan, and in Hagrid's words - "lots to buy" as we prepare for the holidays.

December isn't just about those holidays and all the busyness that comes with it. It's also about finishing off another year and preparing for a new one. 

Knowing this can stir up a lot of mixed emotions. Combine this with holiday stress, frequent interactions with other people, and cold weather and you've got a recipe for illness. 

If you're wanting to fully enjoy December, you need to approach it with a clear head - not a stuffed up one! Practicing some self-care (a.k.a. soul care) rituals is essential to keeping yourself calm and healthy this holiday season.

Here are some of my favourite ways to wind down. If you'd like to share some of your own, feel free to comment below!

Have a cup of tea. Or three.

There's nothing that makes me more content or relaxed than a great cup of tea.

My two favourite brands right now are David's Tea and Pukka Teas. Many teas not only taste good but have ingredients which can physically combat illness! For boosting the immune system, Pukka's Elderberry and Echinacea is great (and so delicious!) as is Pick Me Up from David's Tea with cold fighting turmeric and ginger.

Cuddle with a pet/significant other/blanket 

Cuddling is scientifically proven to release stress. Less stress = healthier you. Plus, it's chilly and cuddling keeps you warm. So grab a blanket and a buddy and snuggle up!

Watch or read something that stimulates your mind 

It's perfectly okay to watch/read a few things that are happy-go-lucky or escapist, however I encourage you to watch/read something that challenges you as well. Learning helps keep your brain sharp, makes you feel more enlightened and widens your perspective on the world.

At our house, we're currently watching The Crown and The Curse of Oak Island - both are based on historical events and real life mysteries - I learn something new with every episode!

Light a candle or use some essential oils

About a year ago, I purchased an oil diffuser and it's been a big part of my self-care routine. At the end of a long day, or in the morning when I'm preparing for a new day, I like to light up my diffuser with a beeswax candle and fill the air with a soothing scent. Not only does it smell great, but it adds a little more moisture to the air which is well needed in dry winters.

For Uplifting and Awakening: Orange + Peppermint + Grapefruit
For Calming: Lavender + Sage + Lemon
For Stuffy Noses: Eucalyptus + Peppermint

Work up a sweat

I'm guilty of slacking off on this one - especially in winter as it's cold and I want to stay under blankets. Working up a sweat however is a extremely beneficial to your heath physically and mentally (hello, endorphins!)

Make an effort to be more active - dance to some music, go for a job or even just do some yoga at home. It'll be hard getting started, but you'll feel amazing and more accomplished afterwards.

Wear clothes that make you feel good

What you wear does effect how you feel. Whether you spend most of your time at home, work or outside, invest in some clothes that truly make you feel comfortable and happy.

For me, this is leggings, some knitted socks, and a cozy vintage sweater. I like soft, eco-fabrics like modal against my skin whenever I can, and I prefer things that are loose and I can move easily in. But you choose what works best for you!

Keep a journal

Writing your thoughts down is therapy (and much cheaper than an actual therapist!) Sometimes just getting thoughts out of your head and onto paper is all you need to keep your mind from jumbling up or stressing out. It also helps you see over time your fears and growth as a person.

I've personally been keeping a journal since I was seven years old. While I don't write in it every day, I try to jot a few things down every so often, especially if I'm feeling stressed or angry. I find that when I read these thoughts later on down the road I can see how these experiences have changed me as a person (for the better). I try to write down postive things as well not only for my records but to practice gratitude more often.

Indulge in a good meal

For me, I like a good brunch. Waffles, fruit, bacon, eggs, orange juice, the whole bit but you can cook whatever you like (or go out to eat!) Don't be afraid to light some candles, put on some music, or set the table for yourself either. It's okay to treat yourself!

Re-arrange your personal space

Whether it's your bedroom, desk, workspace etc, rearranging your space often can inspire you and help you keep things tidy. Do what you can to make your space uniquely YOU. Add some plants or art that speaks to you. Print out a quote that inspires you. Whatever makes your place happy.

Turn off your phone

I'll admit it, I check my phone a lot. And it's not because I'm always getting calls or emails - it's just a bad habit. It's a little upsetting to think about how much time I waste doing this, so I'm going to work on leaving my phone behind more often and taking more breaks from technology. If people could manage to live and be happy without being constantly connected 50+ years ago, then so can we.

Get more sleep

Most animals hibernate when the cold hits, so it's not a surprise that we feel more tired in winter. Colder temperatures, less sun, and a taxing schedule can easily drain anyone.

Our bodies and minds need rest in order to recharge and heal, so it's important to get enough sleep. Listen to your body - if you feel tired, give yourself a break and get to bed earlier, or take a nap. You'll feel much more rested and able to tackle the stresses of tomorrow after a good sleep.

There are many ways to engage in soul-care but the trick is building a routine that works for you. Only you know what makes you feel relaxed and happy and I encourage you to do more of that. 

Remember, you can't help others without helping yourself first. You have a responsibility to yourself to nurture and care for yourself so that you can replenish and refresh your body and spirit. Doing so is essential for good health, and allows us to fully share ourselves with others. Helping yourself, helps others. Make it a priority this holiday season, and beyond.



Wednesday, November 23, 2016

10 Tips for Having a More Ethical Christmas

Photo from Unsplash.com

While browsing some shops this past weekend, I found it easy to get wrapped up for a few minutes in the excitement and hustle of the holidays. The stores are filled with glittery decorations, a magnitude of gift options, countless stocking stuffers and everything you need to have a holly jolly Christmas. 

Or at least everything you think you need. 

With the mass consumption and commercialization that traditionally goes hand in hand with Christmas, it's hard to imagine how the words "ethical" and "Christmas" can be used in the same sentence. 

I'll admit, it took a lot of energy to walk away from the shops empty handed (okay, mostly empty handed - I'm still working on it). I had one or two rolls of adorable wrapping paper in my hand and was heavily eyeing up the fair isle flannel bedsheets. 

Before checking out I did what I always do when shopping - I asked myself if I really needed these items. 

How would these items benefit my life? How would purchasing these items effect me, and the world? Were these items made ethically or with the environment in mind? Do I have something I could use at home already instead? 

And then I put everything back on the shelf. I don't need new wrapping paper or winter themed bedsheets to be happy this holiday season. 

What I do need to be happy is to make choices I feel good about. This includes aspiring to make more informed and ethical choices - during the holiday season and year round. 

While I don't expect you to follow everything on this list, even doing a few of these things can make a better impact on the world.  

1) Instead of buying new wrapping paper, challenge yourself to use only things you have at home. 

This could range from old newspapers, scrap fabric, old tea towels to construction paper, yarn and left over ribbons for bows. Here's a great article on some other eco-friendly wrapping ideas!

2) If you do decide to buy wrapping paper, make sure it's recyclable. 

You may be surprised but most wrapping paper on the market (shiny, laminated paper) is in fact, non-recyclable! This means tonnes of garbage is made around the world on Christmas morning. Brown paper (which is often made from recycled paper to begin with) is your best bet and has limitless decoration opportunities. 

3) Borrow holiday decorations, or purchase from a thrift store. 

There are literally tons of Christmas lights and decorations already in existence. Most of these sadly will eventually end up in a landfill - or they could end up on your tree!

4) Buy less, buy good, or buy nothing. 

The less you purchase, the less resources are being used and the less that will (again) end up in a landfill. If you do make a purchase, consider if it can be recycled (right down to the packaging!) or if it was made ethically (more on this below). Buying nothing is of course, the best option.

5) Shop from small businesses or ethical brands. 

There are a lot of great brands out there that support a charity cause, or are made ethically and with the earth in mind. Here's a great list of ethical clothing brands. One of my favourite ethical and green clothing brands is Encircled - they offer luxuriously soft eco-fabrics in classic designs - and everything is made in Canada! Likewise, Etsy is a great place to find homemade gifts and support local small brands. You can even find me on there!

6) Help out a charity cause. 

Donate to a local food bank, sponsor a child or animal, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or fill up a stocking for someone less fortunate. Love is meant to be shared - not just at Christmas but year round. A generous heart can change the world.

7) Visit with an elderly person. 

It's a difficult time of year for many and the elderly are no exception. Whether you visit an elderly home or say something kind to someone you meet on the street, it could really make a difference in a persons life.

8) Make sure to recycle holiday cards. 

Since millions of cards are sent each year, it's important to keep them out of landfills! To make an even more eco-friendly open - go paperless instead. 

9) When considering gifts for children, consider starting a fund for them instead of toys.

The average child collects a lot of toys and clothes over the years, most of which are quickly outgrown and take up a lot of space. While a few fun things are okay, it's important to invest in their future, too! Maybe a college fund?

10) Make more gifts. 

Baked goods, a knitted scarf, DIY body scrub...the list goes on! With homemade gifts, you'll never have to worry about what the ingredients are, how the item was made and who made it - it's all you!

Remember, every dollar you spend is a vote towards the world you want to live in. Making more ethical choices this holiday season is a great way to vote for a better world - one that's based on ethical practices and is gentle on the environment. Having a more ethical Christmas is giving the gift of the future to many. Be generous with it. 


Sunday, November 20, 2016

My Experience as an Etsy Seller + Special Surprise!

Some of you may already be aware that I run a little vintage shop called Recycle of Life.

After years of enjoying the thrill of the hunt and becoming more aware of fashion's negative effects on the environment, I became passionate about starting a business which was not only eco-conscious but where I could share my exciting thrifted treasures with others.

Recycle of Life started in 2013 where I first started shooting some thrifted finds against my bedroom wall. My first sale didn't occur for months after opening, and when it did happen I was sorry to get my first (and only to date so far!) negative review.

I sold a kimono that I had hand sewn some lace onto and the customer had good enough reason to not be completely satisfied - my stitching could have been improved. While it was disappointing, the experience motivated me to give a much better customer experience the next time around.

For the next two years, I began working on building up some inventory and managed several more sales all of which had much better reviews. I was starting to build a more established shop, however was interested in turning a hobby into more of a career (and I was saving up to travel!)

In the fall of 2014, I attended college to get my second diploma (first was in film studies) in fashion business. My program covered everything from marketing, trend forecasting, events planning, retail math to brand development and starting a business. I learned a little bit of everything which would become a great base for improving my Etsy brand. I began investing more time on product listings and in 2015 finally saw some sales that mattered.

I was also very fortunate during my studies to work an internship where I could further extend my development of social media, marketing and brand development skills with an already successful entrepreneur. My experience there was a great help and inspiration to starting the rebrand of Recycle of Life and following my own dreams.

As you also may be aware, I recently quit this internship to pursue my own passions for a while. Currently Recycle of Life is going through some major changes - mostly revolving around improving photography and use of social media (something I previously slacked off on).

It's a tough job to run a business, and mine is a fraction of the size of many other entrepreneurs that I know. It's time consuming to list product, it's expensive to start off and you can never really predict sales or customer response.

While I know it'll be a long while before my Etsy brand becomes a substantial business (if ever even - fingers crossed), I really am enjoying seeing the progress and I'm working on trusting in the timing of my life.

If you really enjoy doing something, it's important to do it often and at least give it your best shot - no half-assing it! So this is why I'm here today, briefing you on the short history of what I hope will one day be a success story. 

If you'd like to support my dream, now's a great time! We're having a Black Friday Sale from now until November 28th (see coupon code above). Comments and words of encouragement are also always appreciated!



Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Maximizing Holiday Cheer and Minimizing Holiday Stress

Photo from Unsplash.com

I'll admit it.

I'm one of those people that start their holiday shopping in October and put their tree up right after Remembrance Day. I'll watch the cheesiest of holiday movies for weeks on end and I relish making snowflakes out of paper in my spare time.

It's no secret that people are the most caring and generous around the holiday season which is for the most part why I start the festivities well in advance. I want to keep the excitement and jolliness around for as long as possible.

Starting my holiday mode early also means that I keep relatively organized with my holiday plans, shopping and scheduling. Of course, I know not everyone is like this and I know how stressful the holiday season can be.

In the hopes to minimize your holiday stress and maximize your holiday cheer, I'm sharing some of my own tips for keeping your cool this Christmas. You can do this!

1) Start any holiday shopping as early as possible

Immediately following Halloween, the malls double and triple their usual traffic. If crowds of people give you anxiety (like me) then it's best to avoid the malls as much as possible.

If you do have to pick something up at the mall, pick a time when the mall isn't as busy - right when it opens is best. If you already have an idea of what you're looking for, you'll cut down efficiently on time, too.

An even better option, do your holiday shopping online. You can beat the crowds, and stay in your pajamas. It's a win-win.

2) Minimize your shopping list

The thought of giving and receiving gifts can give people a lot of stress. Sometimes we feel obligated to get someone a gift because we know they're likely to give us one, or we're unsure of what to give someone. Not to mention, it's expensive and time consuming to buy holiday gifts. Just thinking about it is making me a tad anxious!

To make your life easier, make a list of all the people you'd like to gift this season and see if you can cross out a few names or acknowledge them in a different way. For example, give them a gift that you don't have to buy such as quality time, something that you've made or something you can regift. Even something as simple as writing a heartfelt note can go a long way in warming the hearts of loved ones (and cut down your stress levels!)

Likewise, if everyone in your family or friends circle swaps gifts, consider doing a Secret Santa style exchange instead so there's less gifts to buy. The less gifts you have to buy, the less stress you have.

3) Instead of buying gifts, consider gifts from the heart

It's no secret that money is a huge stress factor during the holidays, but it doesn't have to be. As concluded in The Grinch, Christmas doesn't come in a box - it's not about the gifts and commercialism, it's about sharing joy and love with those around you. 

This is why I'm pleased to hear that more and more people are adapting a "homemade Christmas" nowdays. The idea behind a homemade Christmas is to only give gifts which you either make, already have, or is in the form of quality time. It's much more cost efficient, and makes gift giving a lot more personal. I'm working at adapting this attitude more and more each year.

Another modern holiday concept is the "minimalist Christmas" - gifts in this tradition revolve around things which bring joy and practicality to life. Often this includes something to eat, something to read, something to wear, and something they need. You'll see no useless knick-knacks in a minimalist's stocking!

4) Don't go to every party

If you've got a lot of invitations for cookie swaps, family gatherings and parties it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and short on time. But guess what - you're not obligated to do all the things and you can still have a happy holiday. 

Instead of trying to fit everything into your schedule this year, pick a few favourite/essential events and just commit to those. Yes, you may miss out on a few things but you'll be able to more fully enjoy the few events you do attend without the extra pressure or stress.

5) If family gatherings are stressful, bring your own sunshine

I know how complicated family dinners can be - the obnoxious relatives, the embarrassing stories or haunting past - it's enough to make anyone dread a family event. But you don't have to do it alone. 

If you're able to bring a guest, bring someone that will laugh through the awkward conversations with you, or can make you smile around negative people.

If a guest isn't an option, try limiting your visits to shorter periods of time and if it deeply makes you anxious and unhappy, maybe consider skipping it all together.

6) It's okay to say no

If something stresses you out and causes you to loose sleep, consider whether or not it's absolutely necessary. While you may be convinced that you have to do certain things, stop and ask yourself - why? If something truly makes you miserable, why do it? You do have a choice and you do have power.

If you do decide to duck out on something and you know it'll hurt someone you love, kindly let them know why you're choosing to opt out. They may not understand, but you can offer to make it up to them at a better time.

7) Don't set expectations

We've all done it - dreamed about the perfect holiday. For some, it might be snuggling up by the fire on Christmas Eve and waking up to snow and the perfect gifts under a tree. Or maybe it's about doing all your favourite holiday activities before the year ends, and then finding out you don't have time/resources. Exceptions always set us up for disappointment. Always. Do yourself a favour and don't have any! Just be flexible with any changes and accept blessings as they come. 

8) Ask for help

If you're feeling swapped with things to do, ask someone for help. Invite a friend to come over and help you bake, or if you need to do some errands ask them to babysit. Most people are willing to help, if you just ask! 

For example, a few years ago, I was low on cash (#studentlife) and a gift exchange with friends was stressing me out - I brought it up with the leader of the group, and we were able to bring the gift amount down so I could still participate without the financial worry. Apparently I wasn't the first to mention the money concerns that year either, so it worked out for everyone!

9) Be realistic

You're a human being. As such, you have limits on your time, energy and resources. Set yourself a budget and stick to it. Don't overbook yourself, and remember to give yourself a break from the festivities and people. Know your limit, sleigh within it (oy, that was bad).

10) Take care of yourself

Being sick over the holidays can not only be uncomfortable, but inconvenient. It's the time of year you'd much rather be spending time with friends than stuck in bed.

While you can't predict when illness will occur, you can do what you can to prevent it by following a regular sleep schedule, eating healthy and staying active.

I personally like to stock up on echinacea and vitamin C over the holidays and take these vitamins when I feel stressed out or feel an illness coming on. While I'm not a doctor, I do believe it's really helped me have speedier recovery times! Tea and some quiet time is also beneficial - do whatever helps you reconnect, recharge and relax.

Above all, remember, the holidays are supposed to be fun. Don't let yourself get so wrapped up (pun intended) in the gift giving, event planning and holiday stress that you forget to enjoy yourself and share joy with others.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Confessions of a Minimalist

Photo from Unsplash.com

Minimalist. Hippy. Granola. Eco-conscious. Frugal. These words have all been used to describe me at one point or another and they're being used more frequently the older I get.

My journey to living with less started when I first moved from my hometown to another city for college. I was moving from a bachelor apartment and had a ton of stuff. A huge moving truck to be exact, plus some car loads full.

Over the past 5 years, I've moved about 7 times. (Thank you, shady landlords and bad roommate situations). With the hassle of each move, I really started thinking about the things I owned. I considered why they were important to me, whether or not I needed them, and how owning these things made me feel.

From there I began to question where my desire to own things came from. I thought about how society effected these desires and about how society's 'ideal life' differed from my own.

Once I realized these differences, I began to change my mindset to create a life which was more meaningful to me. 

It's a long and ongoing process, but here's some things I've learned so far on my minimalist journey.

1) I believe in re-gifting. It's the thought that counts! Besides, if I don't love something and know someone else will, I'm happy to pass it along to a new home.

2) I don't wash my jeans until they've been well worn multiple times. Unless of course I KNOW they're dirty or they smell. With the amount of water that a load of laundry uses, I do my best to practice sustainable laundry habits. Besides do jeans ever actually get dirty??

3) Over the years, I've drastically cut down my beauty routine. I started with 1 hour and a full face of makeup and blowout, to 20 minutes and just the essentials. I believe my time is more valuable than me looking perfect every day. A little mineral foundation, some all natural mascara and tinted lip balm and I'm good to go.

4) I don't keep old notes and cards, unless they're really, really special. I keep them for a few years, thank them for the joy they brought me, and then recycle them.

5) I believe the gift of quality time is the most valuable gift you can give a person. 

6) I make my bed everyday because it makes a room look so much tidier and I feel like starting the day by making a bed or doing some light tidying makes for a much more productive day.

7) I don't spend money I don't have. When using a credit card, I make sure to pay it off right away, and avoid unnecessary spending.

8) Instead of focusing on how to make more money, I try not to need more money. It's easy to get sucked into the idea of needing this big a house, this car and that lifestyle, but it's 100% not necessary to live and be happy. In fact, it's that kind of mindset that distracts you from true and simple happiness.

9) I try not to get sentimental about "stuff". I'd rather have one or two really special things from someone, or photos than hold onto everything that reminds me of them (or a certain time etc.)

10) I don't have a lot of friends, just a small handful of really good, genuine, caring friends. Growing up you realize quickly who your true friends are. Keep them close!

11) I air-dry all of my clean clothes. Not only is it better for the environment and save money, but it's much gentler on your clothes and keeps them lasting much longer.

12) I'll go out for a good cup of coffee, but I won't go out and buy a tea. I can't get myself to spend money on a cup of tea, when I have a wide selection and hot water at home already.

13) I value authenticity more than anything else. Nobody's life is perfect and I appreciate when someone can be honest and open about both the bad and good.

14) I wish my parents had made me save all the money I made during my first part-time job instead of spending it on silly things like belts and band t-shirts. Lesson learned.

15) I used to be a huge online shopper - especially clothes. Now I never buy clothes online because I can't see the quality in person and can't justify spending the money without that assurance (or at least easy returns!)

16) I love sweets, particularly chocolate and baked goods. I believe it's okay to have these things in moderation but if I'm going to eat junk food, it needs to be good and high quality. Remember, your body is a temple.

17) I'd rather be somewhat poor than work a job that I don't like. My time is valuable, my thoughts and feelings have value and they are more important than making money. If these other things aren't being honoured, and you have another way you can survive and feel good about, go for it. Time is money.

18) I frequently remind myself that I won't always be healthy, young, alive etc. This may sound like a downer to some, however I feel it's important to keep our mortality in mind in order to appreciate what you do have now and work towards overcoming fears which may be holding us back. More on this here! 

19) 'Pick and choose your battles' has become an important mantra for me. We face injustices everyday - just open up a newspaper on any given day. We know that we can't make everything fair in the world so we have to pick what we find most important and fight for that. Let the little things slide.

20) I don't upgrade my stuff all the time. For instance, I had a flip phone up until just a few years ago when it broke and had to be replaced. I wear my favourite shoes until they fall apart. I'm still typing on my old laptop from my first year of college. If it ain't broke...

Do you have a confession you'd like to make? Let me know in the comments below!



Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Tall Tale: The Old Gazebo

"The other day I drove past the old place that we used to play at. You know, the place across the river and before the forest starts, the old gazebo where we'd spent all our days in the summer. You had freckles back then, and the kids at school would tease you about the way your mom cut your hair. 

You liked to be called Jude back then. Not because it was your name, but because you loved The Beatles and insisted on it. Do you remember that? 

We used to spend hours pretending the gazebo was a boat and all the grass and trees were water. If a car drove past, it was a pirate ship and we had to defend ourselves with our stick swords and keep our treasure of snacks safe. Do you remember that?

Do you recall that one night when we both decided to run away? We were mad at our parents so we took backpacks and sleeping bags and set up camp on the wooden floor. Everything was great until we heard a coyote in the woods and we ran back home. We were both grounded for two weeks after that.

One summer we pretended the gazebo was a church and you asked me to marry you. I wore a white tutu and you had on an old top hat that you dug up from your dad's closet. We decorated the gazebo with wildflowers and I wore daisies in my hair. Our dogs witnessed our awkward first kiss and you told me you'd never love anyone else. Do you remember that?

The gazebo is older now, much like us. The paint is weathered and the steps creak. It reminds me of your wrinkled smile and our creaky bones. It has a worn in look to it, and the grass has grown wild around it. What once was young has grown deep roots into the ground and flourished with time. 

I think it's grown even more beautiful with age." 

                                                                                                                        - B. L. S.

Friday, October 28, 2016

My 3 Biggest Fears and How I Plan to Overcome Them

Photo from Unsplash.com

Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, it's impossible to avoid the sights and sounds of the season.

Stores are filled with candy and costumes to thrill every trick or treating whim. Horror movies are on a constant stream on TV and pumpkins are on many doorsteps awaiting children who come to call. 

I can remember one Halloween night when I was younger, and some children came to the door for candy. It was after the early evening rush and some of the older kids were now making their rounds. 

The doorbell rang and after opening the door, there stood a tall kid in the infamous Scream Ghostface costume. My little brother (who must have been 3 or 4 at the time) saw the spooky face and yelled screaming and terrified, "Funny monkey! Funny monkey!"

While this was hilarious to most of us, the genuine terror on my little brother's face was real. For many years following this, he's had some night terrors - whether or not they stem from this experience is to be determined. One thing is for sure though, and that is that fear is real.

We're all afraid of something. 

Some of us are afraid of spiders, snakes, or the dark. 

Some of us are afraid of terrorism, getting sick, losing a loved one or the unknown. 

Some of us are afraid of fictional characters -  Chucky (this was me for many years), Norman Bates, or more recently, American Horror Story's The Butcher. We may even be scared of real life psychopaths (and for good reason).

It's okay to be scared. Fear is part of being human and part of our basic survival instincts. 

It's important however to recognize when your fear of ____________ is interfering with your life, and if it is to figure out a plan to change this. 

I'd like to share my 3 biggest fears with you, and my plans for overcoming these fears. While I know I can likely never erase the fear completely, I know I can prevent fear from controlling my life and keeping me from living.

1)  I am afraid of not having enough time.

I'm sure you can relate to this. After all, we're only given so many years and days and minutes in our lives. We don't have time to see everything or do everything there is to do (unless you're an immortal vampire). 

The first step to conquering this fear is to accept that your time is limited and one day you will be too old, too sick or too dead to do anything. Accepting this simple fact of life will bring you a great deal of peace. 

The second step to conquering this fear is to prioritize your life. 

Make a bucket list, and actually work on it. Don't make excuses such as "I'll do it one day" or "I'll go there one day". The time to live is while you're living. Don't let excuses such as family, work, etc. hold you back - work around them. 

Choose the things which are most important to you, and forget the rest. Pick a job that you're passionate about so it doesn't feel like work. Spend time doing things you love and take time every day to be grateful for the opportunities and time you have (so far) been given. 

2) I am afraid of not being heard, and being misunderstood. 

For some reason, this fear has plagued me for years - it's probably why I've become a writer and artist. 

I've had dreams where I've lost my voice and can literally not be heard. I've had dreams where I can repeat myself 100 times but the person will still not understand what I'm trying to say. I've had dreams where I've even tried to kill someone because they were physically dragging me down and not understanding. I'm always aware that I'm dreaming and the things in my dreams aren't real, but I still fight them (waste of a dream if you ask me!)

This fear stems mostly from situations with difficult people - people who don't quite have the same sense of reality or awareness that I do. 

It stems from feeling like I don't have a voice, or can't make a difference. 

It stems from seeing others who aren't being heard and knowing that I can't save the world. This is especially relevant when I see the violence and injustices in the world which I feel I can't directly help. 

This too unfortunately, is part of life. 

We can't save everyone. We can't make everyone understand us. The world is much too vast.

But this doesn't mean you don't have a voice. It doesn't mean you can't speak up when you see injustice - this is especially easier in today's technological world. We can connect and give light on bad situations and inspire people with our thoughts and actions. You do matter and you can change the world, slowly but surely. 

If you have this fear, I encourage you to write more, create art and find other healthy ways to communicate. Develop your communication skills and surround yourself with people who think the same way you do; there is power in numbers. 

Also be sure to remain open to new thoughts and ideas - just because something is different does not make it wrong. We all just want to be understood and have our feelings validated. 

3) I'm afraid of pain, gore and needles. And doctors.

Again, a basic human fear. There aren't too many people that don't have this fear to some degree. Being in any sort of pain isn't enjoyable and if the pain threatens our life, or is for reasons unknown then we have that to deal with as well. 

Being more exposed to your fear does help you conquer it. Maybe this is why my tolerance for gory and horrific movies has broadened over the years (catch last weeks episode of The Walking Dead, anyone?) This is in a way a perk (if there is any perks) of the desensitization of gore in North American culture. 

I'll admit, in the past I have cried and made a scene when I've had to get a needle. 

When I got my first bloodwork done as an adult, I had a friend go with me and still was a little theatrical. 

I've had a few more since then, and while the process makes me anxious and is uncomfortable, I've gotten better and better at dealing with needles. It really does make a difference when you bring a friend that is capable of distracting you during the procedure. I hope to one day, not need a friend there at all.

In regards to gore and doctors - I've been working on accepting that sickness and getting hurt is inevitable in life and the best action is preventative and educational measures.

I make many efforts to keep myself in good physical condition to avoid trips to the doctor when I can.

I read up on the human body, and occasionally watch clips of minor surgical procedures to understand heath care and the workings of the human body so as not to fear it. Knowledge is power.

What I find works best for this fear however is controlling my mind. There is no sense worrying over something that likely will never happen. If I have an anxious thought about something bad that could happen, I take that thought and tell myself that we can cross that bridge if we come to it.

Worrying about a fear of needles, doctors and gore doesn't help your health - it threatens it. Which is the whole thing we want to avoid in the first place!

We're all afraid of something but controlling that fear is essential to living a full and healthy life. 

As Halloween festivities come to a close in the next few days, I encourage you to do something truly scary - *look death in the face and say "not today". 

Pick a fear that you have, even if it's something minor and choose to face it. Consider where your fear stems from and how this fear could be affecting your life. Then choose to change it.

I accept my time is limited.
I will make the most of the time I have.
I have a voice and I can create change.
I am not a slave to my fears.
I choose peace over fear.
I choose to live.

Wishing you all a fear free and safe Halloween.



(*Thanks Game of Thrones for the epic quote reference).

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Taking the Scenic Route on an Autumn Adventure

This past weekend, the boyfriend and I decided to go on a spur-of-the-moment roadtrip through some of the small towns near Kitchener. With a full tank of gas and full bellies, we headed onto the open road seeking autumn and adventure.

We drove out to Erin, Ontario and through Alton and Orangeville area passing many farms and open pastures and saw many glimpses of rural life in the fall. We saw cows and sheep farms, old Victorian homes and churches, quaint inns and even a few mansions. One of my favourite things to see though were the barns.

After spending the past few years living in Toronto (originally a small town girl), I've developed a small obsession with barn photography and driving past farmsteads. I suppose they bring back some pleasant childhood memories visiting the farms of relatives - collecting eggs in the barn, family gatherings in the summer and the occasional horseback riding.

To me a barn represents a simpler life. It represents a re-connection with core values such as family, hard work, sustainable living and nature. A barn conjures up images of home cooked meals, days spent working in the garden, or quiet evenings on the porch. A barn represents home.

We had picked the perfect day for a road trip. The sun was shining, there were clouds in the sky and the trees were at their colourful, autumn peak. It was chilly but warm inside the car, and cozy inside our sweaters. The only thing missing was a cup of hot apple cider!

One of the highlights of the trip was when we met this adorable cat. She stopped beside the road and struck some poses for us. Isn't she photogenic?

We also stumbled across this gorgeous old property for sale. I'm not sure if the building is even habitable because it looks like it needs a lot of work - but it was so charming, and so old! It had a sunroom, an antique water pump, and woodstove inside - it looked very cozy.

I spent a few moments imagining myself living there and thinking about who may have lived there over the many years of its existence. I pictured myself sitting in the sunroom surrounded by plants, sipping on tea or knitting (#grandmavibes) or maybe chopping up wood for the stove to warm the little house for winter.

I wondered what the house might look like inside, and if it had the original wallpaper, and when it was first built. I also thought about contacting the realtor but...I'll wait until I win the lottery for this fixer upper.

I'm so grateful to have been able to experience autumn this way. Shoutout to my boyfriend for the drive, and to nature for being so damn gorgeous!

We have a few weeks of fall left, so if you're able to go out for a scenic walk/drive, I highly recommend it. Take some pictures, but don't forget to be in the moment too.

Feel the chilly air on your skin.
Smell the crisp, fresh scent in the air.
See the countless shades of yellows, greens, reds and oranges.
Listen to sounds around you - whether it's rustling leaves, bird songs or busy city sounds. 

Let yourself come alive in the moment and create a memory that will last forever.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

How to Properly Read a Blog Post

If you're reading this, then chances are you're familiar with blog reading. But are you sure you're been reading them properly

Here's some tips to make the most of your blog reading and article surfing. 

Step one: Make yourself a cup of tea (or coffee).

Step two: Seat yourself in a comfortable position, preferably away from noise or other distractions. Grab a blanket as you see fit.

Step three: If you have a cat or a dog, feel free to invite them to come over and sit with you.

Step four: Read the article. No judgment will be made if you read aloud to your pet.

Step five: If you enjoyed the article, feel free to reread, bookmark or share with a friend! Bonus points if you leave a blog comment.

Step six: Make yourself another cup of tea. You deserve it!



Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Tall Tale: The Treasure Hunt

"An old man gave us a map while we sat in a diner in a town which was unfamiliar to us. He told us that if we followed the map, we'd find treasure. We had no plans for the day, so we took his map with a smile and sense of adventure. 

The map lead us to the woods at the edge of town and for a moment I lost my breath. There before us was a blazing forest in bright sunlight and Technicolor.  

For a moment we forgot about work, and the emails we had to reply to, and the troubles we had. For a moment all we saw and heard and breathed was life; singular and simply, beautiful, life."
                                                                                                                                              - B. L. S. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

New Beginnings: Relaunching an Old Friend

After a very, very long hiatus, I'm back with plans to make Recycle of Life bigger and better than before.

If you're new to the brand, then welcome! I hope that you'll enjoy reading about my adventures and can take away some tips and inspiration to make your life more beautiful.

If you're an old friend, then thanks for stopping by again and welcome to the relaunch of Recycle of Life. There are some new good things coming your way!

Recently I've made some big, life changing decisions which lead me to this relaunch of both my blog and Etsy shop (still a work in progress). I up and quit what was for a while my dream job and moved out of the big city of Toronto without any official plans of what to do next.

While I enjoyed Toronto, I couldn't ignore the part of me that strongly desired to get the hell out of it. Toronto felt fast paced, noisy and crowded after several years - all of which distracted me from the life I desired most to live.

As it is, I've moved back to my small hometown in order to slow life down and focus for a while on the things that are most important to me. This includes visiting with my family and friends, spending more time in wide open spaces, drinking more tea and creating more art.

If I'm honest with you though, it's a little terrifying to be unemployed. There's some negative assumptions that can be made if you tell someone you're unemployed by choice - not to mention, the financial instability.

I know that financially I'm okay (for a while, anyways) however I can't seem to avoid the odd anxiety ridden thought which reminds me that I left a perfectly good job and financially secure position to move back home with no real plans. I mean, adults are supposed to have full time jobs and be starting their careers at my age, right?

Society has set these standards and I believe that choosing a different path does not mean you will be any less successful or happy in life. 

As for my fear of being unemployed, I am aware that this stems from my basic survival instincts - part of my mind worries that I won't have enough. I'm working hard at controlling this fear and have been constantly reminding myself that I've always been taken care of in the past (even when I'd hit rock bottom of my 25 years) and will continue to be taken care of throughout my life. Things always have a way of working out. There are lessons to be learned in every experience.

I'm working at reminding myself that my gifts are valuable and there is a plan for them. I'm working on finding these gifts, developing them and then finding ways to share them with the world. I'm working on trusting in the process and timing in life.

It's okay to be different than society demands.
Great things take time, effort and practice.
You are enough. You have enough.
I believe in you and your souls purpose.

Cheers to new beginnings!
