Sunday, November 29, 2015

5 Ways To Have A Great Monday

Here's a little picture I took this morning of my window. Loving that morning light!

Tomorrow is (once again) Monday.

I know how much of a pain Mondays can be - especially if you're not a morning person! 

The waking up early, the rushing to work/school and the long list of to-dos for the week. 
The daily grind.

It's never good to start your week of with a bad Monday - so I've put together this little list 
with the hope that you'll start your week off on the right foot! 

1) Eat a healthy breakfast and drink a glass of water

A full belly to fuel your day, and fluids to activate your mind are essential!
 If you're short on time, try bringing a smoothie on your commute or prepare your breakfasts on Sundays for the week. Granola bars and a piece of fruit are quick foods to grab and easy to toss in your bag.

2) Start the day with a grateful heart

As soon as you wake up, try thinking of 3 things you're thankful for. 
By remembering our blessings, we can learn to be more content in the present.

3) Choose to be happy today

I know - you can't control everything that happens during your Monday. 
But you can control your attitude about the things that happen. 
If the barista makes your coffee wrong, or you get stuck in traffic at work, try to shake off your irritation and choose not to let it ruin your day. Happiness is a choice!

4) Make a list of things you're excited about

Instead of living for the weekend, try picking a few things during the week that you're excited about. This will help you stay in a positive mood. It can even be small things - like catching up on the latest episode of your show or lunch with a friend. 

5) Listen to 'your jam' on the commute

You know what song I'm talking about. Whatever song it is that you're obsessed with right now - you know- the one you can't resist dancing to or singing along with - listen to that. Instant mood booster.

But first, coffee.

Shiny New Week | Alexandra Snowdon - Testing out my new Micron Fineliners! #handlettering #handletteringpractice:

For more tips on having a great (and productive) Monday, check out the article 

Have a happy Monday, friends!

♥ Brittany

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How I Changed My Life By Changing My Thoughts

If you've been following me for a while, then you'll already know that I'm a huge believer in self-love. 

I believe that loving yourself is truly the building block of any good relationship, of a happy life,
 and the best way to change the world (which we should all want to do!). 

But it can be hard to love yourself. 

Some days, really hard.

Some days you're going to feel unlovable
Some days you're going to feel unloved.
 Some days you're going to feel unattractive
Some days you're going to feel like everyone is having fun without you.
 Some days you're going to feel like you're stuck in life.
Some days you're going to feel like you don't matter.

But you do matter. And you are loved and lovable. 

Forget what the media tells you, or society tells you about your worth.
Forget that the world is constantly telling you how you should look,
 how you should feel and how you should think.
That's all just noise. 

I know it's easier said than done, so start with something simple.

I'm sure at some point in childhood, you learned the phrase "treat them the way you'd like to be treated".
 It's a phrase I'm sure has been drilled into your head by your first grade teacher, parents or was something you learned in Sunday School. It's a simple phrase with a powerful meaning. 

This phrase doesn't just work with interactions with other people, but it works for yourself. 

Treat yourself the way you'd like to be treated.

Treat yourself with kindness, understanding and love. 

I once read this quote about talking to yourself like you would talk to someone you love (it sounds super cheesy, I know) but it works! If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

The next time you're feeling down about yourself, try saying things like this:

"Hey babe. You did the best you could."
"It's okay that you're not perfect. I love you anyways."
"We learned our lesson this time, and next time we'll do better."
"Sweetheart, you're not difficult, you're just a challenge."
"We're not there yet, but we will get there. Be patient."

By replacing those negative thoughts and doubts about yourself with loving ones, you'll begin to feel happier. Really! It's amazing what the mind can do.

But don't stop there. Once you love yourself, you'll find it easier to love other people.
You'll be more empathetic and start trying to understand people, instead of judging them. 
You'll be more accepting to peoples differences and will be able to relate to them better.

This will open up so many doors for you!
 Doors which lead to peace, love, and most importantly - happiness.


♥ Brittany

Sunday, November 15, 2015

50 Things That Make Me Happy

1) A hot cup of tea
2) Watching my favourite childhood movies 
3) Rolling in fresh-from-the-dryer bedsheets (yes, rolling)
4) The smell of an old book
5) The sound of the rain at night
6) When a stranger smiles or compliments me
7) Wearing cozy, wool socks
8) Sending and receiving snail mail (happy mail!)
9) Lazy Sunday mornings
10) Breakfast foods (brunch, anyone?)
11) Walking in really soft grass in the summer
12) The crunch of the leaves in the fall
13) Having fresh flowers in the house
14) Eating really fancy chocolates 
15) Waking up and realizing I still have another hour to sleep in
16) Spending time with my besties and family (even if it's just Skyping!)
17) Waking up early while the rest of the world is still asleep (peaceful)
18) That feeling when I wear a brand new pair of underwear
19) Wearing a big, cozy sweater
20) The sound of crickets 
21) Home cooked meals 
22) When I can look at a good friend and know we're thinking the exact same thing
23) Spending time in a really good meditation
24) Foggy mornings in the country
25) Waking up to birds singing in the spring
26) Forehead kisses and hugs from behind (from a partner of course!)
27) An iPod full of new music
28) When someone remembers the things I say
29) That feeling of excitement when I've planned/am heading on a trip 
30) Having a really hearty laugh with a friend 
31) Being able to cuddle up with a cat on my lap
32) Starting a new knitting/craft project
33) Morning light
34) Candle light (soy or beeswax of course!)
35) The smell of lavender
36) Wrapping a gift for someone
37) When I've just bought groceries and have all the good options to eat
38) A really pretty notebook
39) Pretty packaging on products
40) The smell of a woodstove/campfire
41) Worn in flannel button downs
41) Having a deep conversation with someone
42) A really good bass drop in a song
43) Lying in the sun 
44) A day at the beach
45) Watching a summer thunderstorm
46) Dancing alone in my room to my jam(s)
47) Re-reading my favourite books (they're like old friends!)
48) Learning and accomplishing a new skill
49) A clean and organized house
50) Seeing that I've inspired someone or made them happy

What makes you happy? I'd love to hear it! 

♥ Brittany 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Can't Repeat the Past: The Best Is Yet to Come

I woke up this morning feeling anxious and poorly rested after a night of nightmares.

They weren't the kind of nightmares filled with ghosts or psychopaths or even me forgetting my big speech that's due later this week. They were the kind of nightmares that reminded me of my past.


I dreamed it was 1998 again.

I was at this theme park that I had invented in my mind and which had already been a setting in numerous dreams over the years. I was surrounded by flare jeans, and the Spice Girls were doing a show
 on the park stage.

I was still me, as I am now - 24 years old and my 2015 mind, older and wiser than I was in 1998. 

I suppose you might think a trip back in time sounds enjoyable. I however found it depressing

I felt like a ghost. 

I know I didn't belong there and I was alone. I was anxious and my heart ached. 

In the dream, I found the only person I thought would understand me and believe me. A palm reader. 

I gave her my hand, she looked at it and said, "You're not from this world".


There's a million ways to interpret that, but I'll keep it simple. 

I don't want to live in the past. 

I don't want to live in memories, even if they're good ones.
 Hell, even if they're amazing ones and I miss them like crazy. 

Missing something or someone doesn't bring them back,
it'll only keep you from being happy in the present. In the today. 

And that's what matters most. Today
Who you choose to be today, what you choose to accomplish today and where you choose to go today

It's okay to miss the friends you lost touch with, or the town you used to live in, or your childhood years.

For me lately, I've found myself missing my old apartment in London and the two years I spent there. 

With the large backyard I spent so much time exploring, and a short walk away from
 a beautiful park and easy access to the heart of the city.

 I miss the affordable living, the people I used to work with and the hours I'd spend on the couch drinking tea and telling stories with one of my best friends who now lives too far away to visit. 

I miss the familiarity of the place I lived in, the roommate I never disagreed with
 and the cozy hipster-esque loft living room that I spent so many hours watching Once Upon a Time in.

 And of course, I miss the guy that's no longer in my life, and that I used to spend so much time with.

I guess I miss those years the most, because it was the most significant years (to date) and I was really happy. And I guess I'm afraid that I won't feel like that again. That I won't have that again.

But I will, and you will too. Maybe not today, or even tomorrow but there is good still to come.

There are new memories to be made. 

So, miss it for a while, but don't let your feelings control your life. 

Trust that there was a reason for every person and place and thing that left and was lost.

Trust that there is better coming. Believe in abundance. 

♥ Brittany