Thursday, August 13, 2015

Where you moving? Onto better things.

So this morning I completed the journal I had started four years ago and for some reason this made me kind of nostalgic and emotional. I had started it way back, during my first year of college when I was living in London. When I was younger, more naive and afraid of life and unsure of who I was. 

I flipped through and thought about all the things I had done and experienced during these years.
 The people I had loved and lost, the places I had gone to, the feelings that I felt.

It was both amusing and bittersweet to relive these entire 4 years in just one little book
So much life packed into it's pages and so, so much growth - but not enough life that I'm satisfied. 

I guess I'm thinking I could have wrote more. I could have said more. Done more.

So before I got too emotionally distressed and thought too hard on how fast life goes by,
I dedicated my very last journal page to a list of intentions for both my next journal, and the next chapter in my life. (Which seems fitting considering a literal new season is just on the horizon - yay fall!) 

I'm sharing some of my list with you with the hopes that it will inspire you
 to work on some of your own intentions. It's never too late to become a better you.

  Changing the world, one person at a time.


Do you have any intentions you'd like to work on yourself? 
Comment below, I'd love to hear them!